
Covid-ill mother of three minors was 27 weeks pregnant when she delivered her newborn while in coma after developing severe condition, discharged from hospital after two months

More than 76.8% of Americans are vaccinated against Covid-19 with at least one dose of the available Covid-19 vaccines. Fully vaccinated are more than 217 million people, which is 65.5% of the population, and 97 million got their third, booster doses of the vaccines acquiring the highest vaccine protection against the deadly virus.

Before the vaccines were authorized for emergency use more than a year ago, numerous studies have shown that the vaccine are safe to use and the benefits of getting vaccinated outweigh the risk of side-effects. So far, billions of people around the world are already vaccinated against Covid-19 and only a very small percentage of those vaccinated have developed side effects of the vaccines.

Covid-19 vaccines are also proven to be safe in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, but decent percentage of these two categories of people still remain vaccine hesitant and decide to postpone their Covid-19 vaccination for all the wrong reasons.

The case with the 25-year-old C. Miller from Maryland, a mother of three minor children, should be taken as the perfect example how important Covid-19 vaccines are for everyone after she almost died and lost her newborn when he ended up in hospital with severe Covid-19 condition.

According to the local WLKY that exclusively reported about Miller’s story, the young pregnant mother was 27 weeks pregnant when she was admitted to hospital more than two months ago. She was positive on Covid-19 and her condition was worsening at the time when she was admitted there. In a short period of time, Miller developed double pneumonia and doctors were having hard times when they had to deliver her baby early in order to try and save both of their lives.

“They gave us less than 50% chance of her pulling through this. The ECMO machine is very dangerous. Although it saves lives, if one of the tubes would move, she would be dead instantly. So, we had all this stuff running through our minds but also trying to keep the faith,” said Miller’s mother, Stephanie.

The young mother was in coma when doctors decided to perform a C-section and deliver her baby early. The premature newborn Cain survived the process, but is still kept in the ICU and is under constant medical monitoring with vision problems and low oxygen levels. According to the doctors, the newborn is expected to remain hospitalized until he’s able to bottle-feed.

To make matters worse, while Christina was in a coma, her fiancé of more than two years, Steven Joseph, died of a sudden heart attack. The family waited to tell her to prevent further complications. But despite everything she went through lately, Miller remains strong and with positive attitude ready to overcome all obstacles.

“Stay strong and don’t give up because there’s been many times where I just wanted to give up,” the young mother said earlier this month after battling the deadly virus in hospital for 64 days.

“She handled it much better than expected and she wrote on the dry-erase board because she wasn’t able to talk at that time — everything happens for a reason,” Stephanie said.

Miller has a long road ahead to full recovery. Doctors believe she will need six months to a year until she fully recovers. A GoFundMe was set for Miller’s hospital expenses.

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