Woman took advantage of her 11-year-old daughter’s friends during a sleepover; judge imposes a harsh sentence despite her tears
Sleepovers are a common and important part of childhood for children and can be a fun and exciting experience, allowing them to bond with friends, try new things, and create lasting memories. They can be a good way for children to socialize and build relationships with their peers outside of the classroom or structured activities.
A 38-year-old woman named Christina is the mother of an 11-year-old girl who, like any other kid her age, has friends over for sleepovers. But the little girl’s mother is alleged to have m0lested one of her friends.
As per reports, she has been found guilty of three counts of first-degree se-ual assault of a child, six counts of felony child abuse, and two counts of witness tampering by a jury.
During the sleepovers she hosted for her daughter’s friends between September 2017 and February 2018, the mom would give the children alcohol and marijuana-infused gummy bears. She also instructed the boys not to tell anyone about what happened at the parties and told them to delete any evidence from their phones.
Later, court documents revealed that Christina also groomed two boys, ages 12 and 13, to have se- with her. Law enforcement managed to retrieve se-ually explicit photos of the mother from one of the victims’ phones.
“Children who were at the sleepover testified that they observed the defendant and one boy kissing,” the county attorney’s office release states. “These kids showed a lot of bravery and fortitude by testifying and confronting their abuser,” Deputy County Attorney Michael said in the release.
“It has been an exhausting and harrowing experience for these victims and their families,” said Attorney. “It has been a long fight to reach this point.”
A woman named Marie asked a valid question on Facebook: She asked, “45 years, that’s great, but why do men get 5 years? Dr. Dennis got less than 10 for se-ually abusing his granddaughter and other patients. I wonder if there’s something about if the victims are females, the perpetrator gets less time than when the victims are males?” Her question does make you think, doesn’t it?
Through tears during sentencing, Christina said she was “so ashamed and sorry” and noted that she had “failed” her own children.
Christina was sentenced to at least 64 years in prison this week. On the upper end, she will serve 102 years in prison, if such a term were possible. She won’t be eligible for parole for at least 32 years — when she’s 70 years old thereabouts.
We are republishing this story amid recent reports that child se-ual abuse has increased in the United States during the pandemic.